Wednesday 17 April 2013


Hi friends,

I'd like to welcome you all to our blog. In case you don't know me yet, I'm Monty (ff @MontyDimkpa), a mechanical engineer and software developer - and the founder of OPTIMIZE Small Business Software.

The turning point for me, and why I decided to make software for small businesses was I realized that there aren't that many solutions out there tailored for small businesses - I'm talking about REALLY small businesses like a stay-at-home mom making home-made jam for sale, or a meat shop, or carpentry business.

These guys just want to try their hands on a new business idea or have already been doing so, but without a firm grasp of how to determine their bottom-line in advance - things like cost price, selling price, throughput and profits. They mostly take a trial-and-error approach to these things and end up not optimizing their production and value.

And even those who try to turn to software solutions just end up getting confused by complex accounting software and balance sheets, and all that :)

Most of the time, a guy wants to know: if I use so and so materials and convert them to so and so products using so and so processes, which take so and so time with so and so number of staff, and also spend so and so on equipment to realize my product, then what is my cost price?

If I want to fix a markup of say, 30%, then how do I determine my cost price so I know what my selling price will be?

Is there a way to determine my profit in advance so I know whether this business will be profitable or not?

All of these questions and more are answered by our predictive business cost and profit simulator, OPTIMIZE 1.5 (download a 3-day free trial here

For more information on how to estimate your business profits, watch the YouTube tutorial video here



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