Thursday 18 April 2013

Lesson 2: Time, Production and Profits

Is there a minimum time I can operate my plant before I realize a profit?


Actually there is a minimum time and minimum number of goods to produce in order to make a profit - and both depend on your TPNC (total non-production costs) and your PF (profit factor).

Consider the chart below:

where Tu is the time your plant takes to turn out a unit good.

PF = your profit factor (we'll discuss this very important variable next week!)

TPNC = total non production costs e.g. transport costs

T min is measured in hours or convenient units of time

P min in measured in goods or units.

IMPLICATIONS: Producing LESS than P min will run your business into a loss! Likewise, running your plant for less than T min will run you into a loss, so:

  • Always be mindful of these factors to keep operating optimally
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Watch the YouTube tutorial:



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